It’s National Stress Awareness Month, and I’m bringing you an entire blog about using self-care to help you de-stress!
When you think of self-care is it bath bombs and spa days and wine nights with the besties? But self-care doesn’t have to cost you money or be glamorous or whatever it is that Instagram makes it out to be.
Self-care can be something as simple as changing your bedsheets on a Saturday morning so you can crawl into a cozy bed that night. Or it can be tackling that pile of dishes in your kitchen sink, unfollowing accounts on social media, or doing one single load of laundry so you have some clean clothes to wear during the week.
Personally, I’m a huge fan of self-care that reflects its simplicity and its ability to help you reduce your stress without even trying, so today I’m sharing some simple (albeit a little boring) self-care ideas that you can do today to feel better tomorrow.
4 Simple Self-Care Ideas
Head Into the Sunshine
I know this sounds so simple, but trust me. Fresh air and sunshine are fantastic for your body and will give you an energy boost you didn’t even know you needed. Step outside your door, close your eyes, stretch your arms out wide, and tip your face up to the sky. Feel your shoulders relax and the tension in your body melt away. Just a few minutes outside is worth it in the long run.
Hydrate Yourself
Springboarding off the above suggestion, think of people as plants. Just like plants, we need sunshine and water. Drinking water is one of the most simple things you can do to give your body some TLC.
Did you know that studies have proven that dehydration can lead to higher cortisol levels, which means an increase in your stress hormone?
Water has amazing benefits for your body, embrace them!
Simple Decluttering for Self-Care
Now, I’m not saying take on a huge project like your whole closet or kitchen or bedroom. I’m thinking small. Declutter one single drawer in your desk or wardrobe and let yourself feel that satisfying sense of accomplishment from straightening up something that is not overwhelming.
It might feel counterproductive since you’re already stressed for whatever reason (too long to-do list, juggling too many things at once, chaos going on in your life, etc.), but when you complete something as small as cleaning off your countertops, you’ll feel as if you accomplished something, you checked something off your to-do list, and you’ll feel that rush of relief that something is *finally* done.
Indulge in a Hobby
We are always so quick to burn out and live in our stress because we don’t refill our cup doing the things we love. So I’m encouraging you to set aside thirty minutes a day to self-indulge in a favorite hobby, whether it’s reading a book, watching your favorite show, writing in your journal, knitting, going for a walk, etc. Set the time aside, and fill your cup. Stress will have no room in your life, if your cup is already full with patience, care, and grace for yourself.
I hope this blog is a friendly reminder that you can kick stress to the curb through self-care. And your self-care doesn’t have to be glamorous, overwhelming or complicated. Don’t overthink it! Just do what feels right for your mind, body and soul.
If you’re looking for a way to connect with your body and being by prioritizing self-care as a Black woman, please feel free to check out my free guide.
As always, you can find me on Instagram @et.the.rd!